Sunday, 17 March 2013

Initial thoughts for an automation testing framework/utility

My first exposure to selenium was in 2010/2011 & I was quiet impressed with it, the way you can use selenium for the testing of web application was totally awesome. At that time I was working with xebia,  our team was working for website revamp of a dutch travel company. We were using selenium for all the regression & functional testing of website, 80% of the website testing was done only by Selenium.

One of the challenge with selenium is that for each test scenario you have to write code for that & if you don't manage your test scenario/cases effectively, the management of selenium test cases becomes a task in itself. At that point of time also we tried to make maximum use of Java to make selenium test cases as structured & Object oriented possible so that they can be extended & managed easily. I always had a desire to do some improvement in that area so that the selenium test cases management should be made more easier.

In my current company most of the testing is done manually, since I had a prior experience of Selenium & experienced the power it brings to your testing. I was pretty determined to bring the selenium advantage in our company. Off-late an automation testing was set-upped in our company as well which was working on leveraging the power of selenium in testing, but again it was same problem you have to write a lot of code. The other challenge that automation team was facing, the UI of the site was changing very frequently so whatever work they used to do was becoming back to zero after few iterations.

Last week along with my team I've started doing some head banging that let's see if can do something out of the box, in a normal discussion with my team members one idea stuck to us. The manual QA team of our company is very strong & they have complete in & out of idea of whole application, but they have so much work assigned to them that they can't spend their time in the selenium. We wanted to club the knowledge of our manual testing team & the power of selenium.

As a POC we buit a very simple utility that will read a meta information file and executes the commands listed in that meta file. As an example if they want to open a page one of the line of meta file will contain a command "open url", similarly if they have to click a button the command will be something like "click . This utility was doing exactly what we wanted to do. We are still in the POC phase where we are trying to include as much commands as possible

Let me know about your thoughts for this approach, suggestions are most welcome.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Automation tips and tricks February 2013

As promised I'm back with the summary of cool stuff that I've done with my team in Build & Release domain to help us deal with day to day problems in efficient & effective way. As I said this month was about creating tools/utilities that sounds very simple but overall their impact in productivity & agility of build release teams and tech verticals was awesome :).

Automated deployment of Artifacts : If you have ever worked with a set of maven based projects that are interdependent on each other, one of the major problem that you will face in such a setup is to have the latest dependencies in your local system. Here I'm assuming two things you would be using a Maven Repo to host the artifacts & the dependencies would be SNAPSHOT dependencies if their is active development going on dependencies as well. Now the manual way of making sure that maven repo will always have the latest SNAPSHOT version is that every-time somebody does change in the code-base he/she manually deploy that artifact to maven repo. What we have done is that for each & every project we have created a Jenkins job that check if code is checked in for a specific component & if so that component's SNAPSHOT version get's deployed to maven repo. The impact of these utilities jobs was huge as now all the developers doesn't have to focus on deploying their code to maven repo & also keeping track of who last committed the code was also not needed.

Log Parser Utility : We have done further improvement in our event based log analyzer utility. Now we also have a simple log parser utility through which we can parse the logs of a specific component & segregate the logs as per ERROR/WARN/INFO. Most importantly it is integrated with jenkins so you can go to jenkins select a component whose log needs to be analyzed, once analysis is finished the logs are segregated as per our configuration(in our case it is ERROR/WARN/INFO) after that in the left bar these segregations are shown with all the various instances of these categories and user can click on those links to go exactly at the location where that information is present in logs

Auto Code Merge : As I already told we have a team of around 100+ developers & a sprint cycle of 10 days and two sprints overlap each other for 5 days i.e first 5 days for development after tat code freeze is enforced and next 5 days are for bug fixing which means that at a particular point of time there are 3 parallel branches on which work is under progress one branch which is currently deployed in production second branch on which testing is happening and third branch on which active development is happening. You can easily imagine that merging these branches is a task in itself. What we have done is to create an automated code merge utility that tries to merge branches in a per-defined sequence if automatic merge is successful the merge proceeds for next set of branches otherwise a mail is sent to respective developers whose files are in conflict mode

Hope you will get motivated by these set of utilities & come up with new suggestions or point of improvements