In this blog I'll be talking about a puppet module, that can be used to installing multiple mongo's with replication on a single machine. Since I'm very new to puppet so you may find this module very crude, but it works :). Their were couple of puppet module already available but most of them are only for installing a single instance of mongo at a machine & I've a specific requirement of installing multiple instances of mongo having master slave replication between them. As I already said that this module may be quiet crude or basic so please bear with that & my approach may also seem a bit unconventional so please let me know what all can be improved in this module or how things could have been done in a better way.
So let's start with the actual details first of this module is hosted on github(, if you want to look at the source code you can clone it from github. For installing mongo you would be executing the command
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port =>, replSet => ,master => ,master_port => ,}"
Command for installing master
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port => 27017, replSet => sdrepsetcommon,master => master, master_port => 27017,}"
Command for installing slave
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port => 27018, replSet => sdrepsetcommon,master => slave,master_port => 27017,}"
Before going into the details what all this module is doing I will share some details of mongo
Now let's go into more details what all this component does, I'll be listing down all the steps in bulleted points
This concludes the setting up of a mongo instance on a machine.
Just for more details to start mongo we are using mongod -f command, this configuration file is saved as a template & the mongo modules processes the template with the values passed & creates the desired mongod.conf. In our case we are evaluating following properties of mongod.conf : logpath, port, dbpath, pidfilepath, replSet
So let's start with the actual details first of this module is hosted on github(, if you want to look at the source code you can clone it from github. For installing mongo you would be executing the command
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port =>
Command for installing master
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port => 27017, replSet => sdrepsetcommon,master => master, master_port => 27017,}"
Command for installing slave
puppet apply -e "class {mongo:port => 27018, replSet => sdrepsetcommon,master => slave,master_port => 27017,}"
Before going into the details what all this module is doing I will share some details of mongo
- You can start mongo by executing mongod command
- You can provide a configration file which contains details such as
- log directory where mongo would be generating the logs
- port at which mongo would be listening for requests
- dbpath where mongo would be storing all the data
- pidfilepath containg process id of mongo instance, that would be used to check whether mongo is running or not
- replSet name of the replicaset
- You need to have a mongo as a service installed in you system to start an instance of mongo
- For replication you need to execute rs.initiate command on the master mongo
- For adding another instance into replication you need to execute rs.add("
: command on the master mongo")
Now let's go into more details what all this component does, I'll be listing down all the steps in bulleted points
- As you can figure out this module is expecting few parameters :
- port : port at which mongo would be listening,
- replSet : name of replicaset which would be used for managing replication
- master : A string parameter which would signify whether the mongo setup is for master or slave
- master_port : Port at which master instance of mongo would be listening
- First of all we create a mongo user
- Parent Log directory for the mongo instance is created if it doesn't exists with mongo user as owner.
- Mongo db directory is created under /data/mongo with a naming convention replSet_port, i.e if replSet parameter is sdrepsetcommon & port is 27017 then the data directory for this mongo instance would be /data/mongo/sdrepsetcommon_27017. This directory would be owned by mongo user.
- A mongo service would be installed if not already their.
- A mongo restart shell script is also placed at the mongo db directory
- A file is also placed under the mongo db directory that have a mongo command to setup replication, this file is created conditionally depending on whether we are setting up a master or slave instance.
- Finally the replication command is executed on mongo server & restart script is also executed
This concludes the setting up of a mongo instance on a machine.
Just for more details to start mongo we are using mongod -f