Saturday, 19 December 2015

The Reset Button !!!!

!!!! The Reset button !!!!

Anyone who has recently used the Google Compute Engine for creating the VM instances will be aware of the reset button available.

Since I wasn't very much sure of it , I just clicked it without much know-how . This resulted in making all the servers to their original state as they were freshly build and which is certainly a very bad thing for us.

But , we had  puppet that we used to create the whole infrastructure as it is . All the modules we had used and changes we made were committed to GitHub repo and this certainly was a boon to us, else we have to sit whole day long for making those changes on the servers.

Just in couple of minutes the new  instances were created using the compute engine-create group instance feature. We did  installation of the foreman  and git on one of the servers and set up the  puppet clients agents accordingly . This took around 15 more crucial minutes and then cloned our GitHub repo which contains all the  necessary modules and configurations required for the rest of infrastructure.

These are the conditions where Configuration Management Tools like Puppet come in picture and help us get on the track in the shortest possible manner.
It was a hectic day but definitely made us learn several important aspects. Using puppet for maintain the infrastructure is really important now days. It is reliable,efficient and fast for deploying configurations on the servers  and making ready for the production work load.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Setup Jenkins using Ansible

In this document I’ll walk you through how you can  setup jenkins using ansible.

  •  OS - Ubuntu {at least two machine required in production}
  •  First machine for Ansible  installation
  •  Second machine where we will install jenkins server
  • You should have basic understanding of ansible workflow.
Note :  You should have password less login enabled in second machine. use this link

Ansible Installation
Before starting with installing jenkins using ansible, you need to have ansible installed in your system.

 $ curl | sudo bash

Setup jenkins using Ansible

Install jenkins ansible roles

Once we have ansible installed in our system, we can start installing the jenkins using ansible. To install we will use an already available ansible role to setup jenkins

$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.jenkins
to know more about the jenkins role hit this link

Ansible roles default directory path is /etc/ansible/roles
Make ansible playbook file
Now the next step is to use the installed jenkins roles to install the jenkins. For this purpose we will create a playbook  and hosts file with below content

$ cd ~/MyPlaybook/jenkins
create a file hosts and add below content

Screenshot from 2015-11-30 12:55:41.png

Next create  a file site.yml and add below content
- hosts: jenkins_hosts
     - { role: geerlingguy.jenkins }

Screenshot from 2015-11-30 12:59:08.png

so configuration file is done, the next step is to run ansible playbook command
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
Now that Jenkins is running, go to You'll be welcome by the default Jenkins screen.